Saturday, January 28, 2012

One Shot, Two Shot

I finally figured out the freakin' internet here. And now all of my editing options for the blog are in Italian. @)$*)*$#Q&!!!!

Trying to get over here was dumb. I say that because my original connection was in Madrid but since there are so many strikes my connection was changed to London. After I was shuffled onto a bus by Hagrid, I went to the correct terminal for my next flight only to find out it was cancelled. I was put on a flight with apparently only 3 seats left. Then that flight was delayed. Dumb.

*I'm just gonna mention some extra bitching here cause my last connection had two screaming babies and my seat was in the last row so I couldn't nap with a reclined seat. I was also right where the bathroom and stewardess area was so there lots of door slamming and gossip. I pulled the tray out, put a blanket on my head and passed the F out. I am proud of myself.

So I am officially staying at the convent. No drinks in my room allowed and its just immoral to have boys over. My bathroom also has a slight scent of horse barn and I cannot figure out why...Otherwise, I have the sweetest room. It's actually twice the size of the rooms everyone else has but actually the size of a single at OXY. I can't imagine having anything smaller.

Also, the shower head is just in the middle of the bathroom. There is no separation but thank god I have a spacious bathroom or I would actually be grossed out.

So let me explain. I went on a tour just this morning and these are the first few things I saw. This lady on the old-person-mobile made me laugh so hard. There are no signals here, all the cars just fight to get in and out, and this lady had the balls to cross traffic and stop the cars. One almost ran her over and she just kept barging through.

While this was happening, to my right were these dudes dressed in Party City style Roman Soldier costumes with fake mini-swords. Pretty hilarious.

I took more pictures but I will upload them later when I can actually give correct info on the pieces.

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