So behind her is La Pieta by Carlo Crivelli from the 15th century. (here's a link to see it close up: The odd thing is, I was told told that by the Renaissance period (I think), by another professor that it was considered too dramatic to show Mary (the one that's Christ's mother) as hysterical, so the strong emotion shown here is actually a rarity. It's not that the other Mary's in other Pieta's are not sad, but if you just click on the link and look at Mary in the lower left corner, it's shocking.
Next thing I did was go to a museum dedicated to the Etruscans. Pretty sick shit. This trip was for Ancient Art of Rome and it's by far my favorite class. The professor is a fun-loving as*hole. And those are the best kind. I saw the famous Apollo of Veii (6th c. BCE, ) and Sarcophagus of a Reclining Couple (also 6th c. BCE? ) there!
The Goat Amalthea with the Infant Jupiter and a Faun (
Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius Fleeing Troy (
Pluto and Persphone ( and an important close up:
Apollo and Daphne (
David (
Cardinale Scipione Burghese (
Truth (
Dayum. I also saw about 5 different Caravaggio's there. Freakin crazy. I made another list:
Sick Bacchus ( )
St. Jerome (
St. John The Baptist (
Madonna dei Palafrenieri (
David Holding the Head of Goliath:
*If you wanna know, the Madonna painting was originally for St. Peter's altar but was taken down because the Madonna is actually Caravaggio's mistress and the baby Jesus was too old to be naked and slightly scandalous. The Goliath head is also a self-portrait. This painting was made after Caravaggio murdered someone and fled Rome. He made this as a gesture of apology and self-metaphorical/spiritual-penance for the Pope. My professor just casually mentioned the whole murder stuff and didn't go into further detail than what I'm telling you. I will find out more info for sure. Caravaggio just got way more interesting.
*I just learned a couple of days ago that the Via di Pallacorda (translates to "ball-rope"; is real damn close to the Pantheon) is where Caravaggio had a tennis match with his sworn enemy and I assume he lost cause he totally killed the bastard and then fled Rome.
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